THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA — Booklet “Telephone directory—Expo 67”

Telephone directory—Expo 67

“This Expo 67 directory has been especially prepared by the Bell Telephone Company of Canada for the use of all telephone subscribers at Expo 67. The first page contains listings for emergency numbers. On the following pages you will find instruction in English and French for general telephone usage. The telephone numbers of most of the customers on the Expo site are listed alphabetically under one of the following headings: Administration Pavilion, Exhibitors, and Concessionaires. At the end of the book you will also find an extra page for use in jotting down telephone numbers you most frequently call. Should you have any inquiries about your telephone service, special Bell Canada marketing representatives can be reached by calling 870-7841. Special arrangements have been made so that subscribers can transact business with the telephone company in a number of languages in addition to English or French by calling this same number. Standard telephone service in Bell Canada territory provides unlimited local calling, for as long as the subscriber wishes to talk, without incurring extra cost. For information on your local calling area and instructions for placing long distance calls, see the introductory pages of the regular Montreal telephone directory.”

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Author: La Compagnie de Téléphone Bell du Canada

Editor: La Compagnie de Téléphone Bell du Canada

Language: English French

Date of publication: April, 28th 1967

Collection: Collection personnelle,

Dimensions: 4,76 x 7,67 inches

Number of pages: 20 p.

Degree of rarity: Rare