AUSTRIA — Booklet “L’Autriche telle qu’elle est…”

Austria as it stands...

Pavillon :


A booklet depicting Austria as it was in 1967. "In the years following the re-establishment of the Austrian state in April 1945, the country enjoyed a considerable economic boom, admired far beyond its borders. But what is lightly referred to as "the Austrian miracle" was in reality nothing other than the fruit of the will to rebuild and the hard work of the entire Austrian people - industrialists and workers as well as civil servants, employees and farmers - whose efforts were aided by favourable economic conditions and generous foreign aid gratefully accepted. Once again, as so often in the course of history, the Austrians emerged victorious from an ordeal. For we do this nation a disservice if we only see and appreciate its joie de vivre: the Austrian people is a people whose soul combines the art of living with a taste for hard work."

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[Classification call number: AUT004].

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Author: Chambre Economique Fédérale d'Autriche

Editor: Chambre Economique Fédérale d'Autriche

Language: French

Collection: Collection personnelle,

Dimensions: 4,78 x 8,82 inches

Number of pages: 22 p.

Degree of rarity: Uncommon